Perfect peace

Mustard Seed Budget

Isaiah 26:3

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. — Isaiah 26:3 NKJV.

The devil assails our minds with worry. Trusting in Jesus means having peace.

Photo source: Pinterest. I’m not making any money on it. I don’t own the rights to it.

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Spiritual Blindness

Spirit Moments

Often, I see but do not understand; I hear but I do not listen. I am blinded by scales in my eyes. The scales of my pride and prejudices, of my weakness and sinfulness, of my biases and banality. I see God active in my life but I fail to understand. I hear Him in the rustle of the wind or in the voices of people around me or in the mysterious unfolding of my life but I do not hear. I need to shed tears of love, mercy and compassion to wash away the scales from my eyes so that I can see again.

Christ was right there before the Pharisees and they saw the wonders He did and heard the words that He spoke. But they did not listen nor did they understand. Instead, they kept on questioning Him: why do you and your followers do work on…

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Called and Chosen


Spirit Moments

He chose twelve to be His apostles to preach and to drive out demons. They were simple, ordinary folks. Mostly fishermen. All with strong convictions and character born out of the common and tough existence of the struggling poor. Empowered by the Spirit He sent them, they would go forth and indeed change the world.

The twelve probably had no inkling why He chose them. Up to the very last moment of His life on the cross, they did not understand most of what was happening. But with prayer and reflection, they came to realize what has happened in their lives. And the same Spirit that enlightened them is active today calling people to prayer and reflection to realize the presence of the Divine in their lives.

He called and they responded. That was all they needed to do. God did the rest.

I come from peasant stock.  My roots…

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As wickedness increases, love decreases

Mustard Seed Budget

cold heart We are warned. As sin goes exponential in the end times, it will wear away on the once-sincere love of many believers. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold — Matt. 24:12 NIV.

It would difficult to argue against the explosion of sin we have seen since the 1960s: drugs, free sex, redefining sin, massacres, crime waves in Latin America, terrorists worldwide. Standards are continually becoming looser. What was once the vilest subgenre (snuff movies) is now standard fare on cable TV (True Blood). What’s most disturbing is that nothing is disturbing any longer.

And Christian standards have slid. The line between acceptable and unacceptable behavior has been pushed back. I’m not point fingers though. I myself am susceptible. If anything, I am warning myself (and others) about the dangers of living in Sodom. Let’s not let our heart grow cold.


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A Culture of Life

True life, and divine love

Spirit Moments

P1380702The gospel of Jesus is the gospel of life and love. He said, “I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.” And then, He commanded his disciples, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

From the time man came into this earth, he has been wondering, “Why am I here? What am I doing here?” And he is filled with awe and wonder at the wonderful paradise he found himself in. And he is moved to even wonder, “Why is the something at all rather than nothing?” And he realizes that life is a gift. And if there is a gift, there must be a giver.

He finds no easy answers to all his questionings. But as philosophers eventually put into simple words, man realizes “I am.” And the giver of life…

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Praying For Christian Unity

When we unite, we are stronger

Spirit Moments

This week, Churches celebrate and pray for Christian Unity. It is a scandal and very disheartening that Christian Churches have splintered into groups, often because of rather flimsy reasons. I can hear the Lord’s warning that a house divided against itself cannot stand. There were even periods in Church history that Christians killed and oppressed other Christians because of their differences in their religious beliefs.

I pray for Christian Unity with the rest of other Christians desirous to being one in the Father with Christ. One of the inspiring moments during the Walk For Life in San Francisco last Sunday was to see various Christian denominations marching together and celebrating life, condemning the culture of death and the moral bankruptcy of our throw-away society.

I call to mind and pray make them my prayers these words of Jesus, “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and…

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Heaven opens for 45 who died in AirAsia crash

Hmmm, in such times the Love of Christ (in the lives of believers nearby) should flow like a river into the lives of all concerned, to help bring healing in such difficult times.

Mustard Seed Budget

philip-mantofaWhen they learned that 45 of their own were among the missing of the downed Indonesia AirAsia flight 8501, members of the Rose of Sharon Church of Surabaya, Indonesia, sprang into action.

They sent assistant pastors to console the grieving. They set up a care center of prayer and worship with food and beverages while family members awaited news of the fate of their loved ones. Trained counselors were on standby by shifts around the clock in the airport and in homes.

“When I witnessed how one bereaved family encouraged and prayed for another out of their initiative, I could say that I almost saw heaven in that situation,” Pastor Philip Mantofa, who pastors the 45,000 member church, told CharismaNews. “Particularly when the bodies of the their family members were found and they had to identify them, we couldn’t leave them to face these horrific situations alone.” Read the rest…

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What is the TRUTH?

One thing that most people from all generations, races and creeds have sought for is the TRUTH. People have done things because of what they perceived as the truth. Murders, treason, rape, genocide, and so on, have all been committed on account of someone’s perception of a certain TRUTH!

The question is “What is the TRUTH”? The Holy Bible says in the book of John 8:32 (KJV) ” You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

When you ask the wrong question, you will definitely get the wrong answer. The question above has misled people since the inception of the universe, because, it is the wrong question. It leads people away from the truth himself (a personality), to other things that look like the truth!

The correct question is “Who is the TRUTH“? The correct answer to this correct question is found in John 14:6 (KJV) “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Jesus is the truth!

Wow, so consider the first bible passage we saw above in John 8:32. When you get to know the truth [Jesus], he[the truth] will set you free!

John 4:23 [kjv] says “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” God is seeking people who will worship him with all their heart [in spirit] and in Jesus [the truth]: for that is where the true worship of the Father is, and what true worship is!

Wow, now, the personality known as the TRUTH will definitely have the quality of truthfulness. John 1:14 [kjv] says “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” He [the Lord Jesus] the Word that was made flesh [incarnated] was / is full of grace and TRUTH! There is no lies in Him! No wonder the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 1:20 [kjv] “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us“.

We shall continue this discussion. Re-actions are welcomed. Let us reason together.